Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sweet Tooth & Chew

Huh, I didn't realize both pieces I did recently were named after Food. Coincidence of the day! I just started reading both titles not too long ago and felt like drawing 'em up. Sweet Tooth I did more in my style, where Chew I mixed in a bit of the comic style with my regular. I'm not sure if that came off but I hope it did! Enjoy :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekly Sketches

A thing I've been doing lately is weekly sketches. I was originally piggybacking off the Ashcan Allstars drawing group for awhile, but their recent subject matter have been books I've never read, so didn't feel a connection to draw the subject matter. Lately I've just been drawing whatever I feel like & that's been keeping me interested and productive! Im also offering the sketches to people who buy something off my amazon wishlist, which im calling #ArtForAmazon. Check em out!

Culture Magazine

Hey Everyone,

Long time, no post! Let me try to update you guys on what I've been up to. One thing is, I've been working more with Culture, a medical marijuana magazine. Here are some of the latest pieces I've done for them!

Hope you like them :)